Archive for the ‘Toothbrush’ Category
« Previous Page5 Steps To Good Oral Health
on Wednesday, July 15, 2020Learn How To Maintain Your Oral Health The staff at Gresham Family Dentistry is eager to help Gresham families learn how to best maintain their oral health. One of the ways in which we’re able to help families in Gresham is to offer top-notch family dentistry services. We also help keep our Gresham patients informed about the best dental health practices. […]
Your Daily Oral Health Routine
on Wednesday, July 8, 2020For Professional Dental Care In Gresham, Rely On Gresham Family Dentistry Gresham Family Dentistry is proud to serve the people of Gresham by providing professional family dentistry services. Your oral health is important, and the staff at Gresham Family Dentistry is eager to offer the dental services and advice you need. We provide answers to the questions you have about your dental health. Rely […]
Choosing A Toothbrush For Your Child
on Wednesday, October 23, 2019At Gresham Family Dentistry, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch family dentistry services. Parents in need of a dentistry service in Gresham will find that Gresham Family Dentistry is the place to be. We keep the whole family smiling and healthy with our amazing family dentistry services! We can even help parents in Gresham learn […]
How to Time Your Kid’s Teeth Brushing
on Wednesday, April 3, 2019Convincing kids to brush their teeth can sometimes be a difficult task. Even when they relent to the routine task of maintaining dental health, they oftentimes will rush through the process. As you well know, however, it is highly recommended that everyone brushes their teeth for two minutes at a time. Getting kids to brush […]
When to Replace an Old Toothbrush
on Wednesday, March 27, 2019Nothing lasts forever, and toothbrushes are no exception. Continuing to brush your teeth with an overused toothbrush is just no good. Every now and then, you must replace your toothbrush for the sake of your oral health. How often should you replace your toothbrush? The general rule of thumb is to replace a toothbrush every […]
Fun Ways to Encourage Kids to Brush Their Teeth
on Wednesday, March 20, 2019Many parents have trouble convincing their children to brush their teeth regularly. Children often may buck against routines that aren’t fun for them. So while you’ve been in the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day for years, this is a new experience for your child. In addition to simply not being used […]
Electric Toothbrush: Pros and Cons
on Wednesday, January 9, 2019While both electric and manual toothbrushes are effective at removing the oral plaque that causes decay and disease, each has its individual benefits. When deciding whether to use a manual or electric toothbrush, consider all the pros and cons of each. Electric toothbrushes offer a variety of benefits you can’t get in manual toothbrushes and […]
Proper Brushing Technique
on Wednesday, December 19, 2018There is a right way to brush your teeth. In fact, brushing your teeth poorly can be as bad as not brushing your teeth at all. Teeth need to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly in order to maintain good oral health. Get our tips below to practice proper brushing technique: According to the American Dental […]