Choosing A Toothbrush For Your Child

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gresham_Family_Dentistry_Fun Ways to Encourage Kids to Brush Their Teeth

At Gresham Family Dentistry, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch family dentistry services. Parents in need of a dentistry service in Gresham will find that Gresham Family Dentistry is the place to be. We keep the whole family smiling and healthy with our amazing family dentistry services! We can even help parents in Gresham learn how to impart good dental health habits to their children. Gresham parents, when you have questions, you can rely on our family dentistry services!

Choosing A Toothbrush For Your Child

One of the many important steps to maintaining a healthy smile is choosing the right toothbrush. However, if you’ve looked recently in the toothbrush section of your local Gresham store then you’re likely aware of just how many options there are. How can you be sure you’re choosing the right toothbrush for your child?

No matter his age, your child’s toothbrush should fit comfortably in his mouths and be easy to hold and manipulate. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles that are made of a round-ended or “polished” material. These types of brush heads can clean a child’s teeth well but aren’t rough on his gums. It’s also important that your child’s toothbrush appeals to their tastes so that it’s fun using it every day and night.

Babies and Toddlers

Although many Gresham parents stick with a damp cloth or gauze, you can start using a gentle toothbrush with your baby even before he has any teeth. Toothbrushes for babies come in bright colors and have very small heads designed to fit inside your baby’s mouth. Brushing your baby’s mouth keeps their gums clean and helps acclimate them to a twice-daily toothbrushing routine.

By the age of two, Gresham parents may find that their toddler wants to participate in toothbrushing time. Toddler toothbrushes have small heads and large handles with soft grips that are easy for small hands to hold. Although toddlers won’t have developed the control to brush their own teeth effectively, Gresham parents can allow them to take a turn before or after Mom or Dad does in with a more thorough brushing. Powered toothbrushes are now available for children in this age range (and older) and can be engaging and fun for even the little ones to use.

Ages Five to Eight

Between the ages of five and eight, your child is getting ready to be independent about caring for their own teeth. Toothbrushes for kids this age have slimmer handles than toddler toothbrushes in order to suit a child’s more dexterous grip and larger jaws. Young children also develop their own skills to clean their teeth effectively at this age, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, but still require supervision as they brush. Many toothbrushes for children in this age range are based on popular cartoon characters. Choosing your child’s favorite character helps maintain interest in brushing his teeth.


Kids aged eight and up can actually brush their teeth themselves. Their toothbrushes look similar to adult products, but still have slightly smaller heads and larger handles. Both powered and manual toothbrushes are appropriate for preadolescent children. Although both types of brushes clean teeth and gums equally well, the American Dental Association (ADA) suggests powered toothbrushes for making the process easier for children who struggle to use a manual brush efficiently.

No matter your child’s age, don’t forget to bring them in for regular family dentistry services, at Gresham Family Dentistry. Call to schedule a dental check-up or cleaning today!

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry

Be proactive about your oral health — schedule an appointment today for an oral checkup for your children with Gresham Family Dentistry. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your child’s comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including children’s dentistrysedation dentistry, oral surgery, dental cleanings, and more!

Our hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM and Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM.

To schedule a visit, contact us or call 503-661-2600.


Categories: Childrens Dental, Dental Hygiene Tips, Dental Tips For Parents, Family Dentistry, Toothbrush

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