Why It’s Important To Clean Your Tongue

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Wednesday, July 22, 2020

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Need Family Dentistry Services? Visit Gresham Family Dentistry 

Do you live in Gresham or the surrounding area? Are you looking for somewhere that provides dental services for the whole family? Visit Gresham Family DentistryWe’re eager to take care of our Gresham patients. The staff at Gresham Family Dentistry understands the importance of maintaining good dental health, so we provide out Gresham patients with the best in family dentistry services. 

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Tongue 

Most Gresham locals will know that they need to brush their teeth twice daily and floss at least once a day. But did you know that you also need to clean your tongue? Cleaning your tongue is a crucial part of protecting your oral health. Here are some reasons why. 

Remove Odor Causing Bacteria 

Bacteria like to gather on your tongue, and most of the bacteria that cause bad breath live there. IF you brush your tongue you can more easily eliminate bad breath. 

Reduce Risk Of Periodontal Disease 

As mentioned above, bacteria builds up on your tongue. Some of these bacteria can lead to gum disease or even other illnesses that can possibly spread throughout the body. This bacteria can cause your gums to become infected due to deep pockets that are between your gums and teeth. This is known as periodontal disease. 

Enhance Taste 

Removing the build-up of plaque and other bacteria can enhance your taste!  

Reduces Risk Of Oral Thrush 

This infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast in one’s mouth. Excessive bacteria build up in your mouth can lead to the development of white patches on your tongue. Antifungal medication is used to cure it, but you should be able to avoid this infection with regular tongue brushing.  

Boosts Your Immunity And Digestive Health 

One of the first lines of defense for your immune system is your tongue. By brushing your tongue regularly, you prevent your body from absorbing certain toxins. This overall helps your immune system and digestive health. 

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry 

Be proactive about your oral health! Gresham Family Dentistry is here to offer the dental care you need. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including sedation dentistrychildren’s dentistryoral surgerydental cleanings, and more! 

Our hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM and Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM. 

To schedule a visit, contact us or call 503-661-2600.

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