Why Brushing Your Teeth Roughly Is Bad 

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Tuesday, November 2, 2021

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Gresham Family Dentistry Cares For The Whole Family 

Gresham families know that when they need high-quality dental services, they can rely on Gresham Family Dentistry. It’s not just families in Gresham, either! We serve families from Fairview, Boring, and Wood Village as well. Choose Gresham Family Dentistry for family dentistry services near you! Our team is eager to help families maintain good dental health. 

Can You Brush Your Teeth Too Hard? 

When it comes to brushing your teeth, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. We all know that we’re meant to brush our teeth twice daily for two minutes at a time. Did you know, however, that you can brush too hard when you brush your teeth? It’s true! 

Brushing Too Hard Negatively Impacts Oral Health 

Brushing too hard, or with a toothbrush that has bristles that are too hard or coarse, can actually damage your teeth and gums. Brushing too hard is linked to gum recession and damage to the enamel. 

How Should I Brush My Teeth? 

The trick is to be gentle but thorough. You may even want to switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush all the surfaces of your tooth. Angle your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, brushing both teeth and gums.  

Book Your Twice Yearly Dental Appointments 

Are you up to date on your dental check-ups? Remember that you should be seeing your dentist twice a year for a regular dental check-up. If it’s been more than 6 months since your last check-up, book your appointment now! 

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry 

Be proactive about your oral health! Gresham Family Dentistry is here to offer the dental care you need. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including sedation dentistrychildren’s dentistryoral surgerydental cleanings, and more! 

Our hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. 

Categories: Dental Checkup, Dental Cleaning, Dental Health, Dental Hygiene Tips, Dental Tips For Parents, Family Dentistry, kids dental checkup in gresham

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