Travel Tips For Dental Health 

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Monday, July 26, 2021

Woman riding on a zip line with perfect smile

Get Quality Dental Services In Gresham This Summer 

When you or your family needs quality dental services in Gresham this summer, don’t hesitate to visit Gresham Family Dentistry! Our team is eager to help Gresham families by offering the best family dentistry services in the Gresham area! We serve not only families in Gresham, but also families from Wood Village, Boring, and Fairview as well. Call Gresham Family Dentistry today to book your dental appointment! 

Be Sure Take Care Of Your Dental Health This Summer 

During the summer, we know that Gresham families are eager for a little fun in the sun. The Gresham Family Dentistry team, however, reminds Gresham families that they still need to stay on top of their dental care routine – even over vacation! Here are a few dental health travel tips to make use of this summer! 

Make Sure You Have Your Supplies 

Before you head out on a trip, be sure you have all the essentials. You need your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. You can even keep your supplies in the glove box so you can brush your teeth at rest stops along the way! 

Don’t use Travel Cases 

It’s best to avoid travel cases for your toothbrush since they actually encourage the growth of bacteria. Just let your toothbrush air dry before you put it away! 

Carry-On Your Dental Care Supplies 

Planning on catching a flight? Bring your supplies with you on carry-on so you can brush your teeth during long flights and layovers. 

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry 

Be proactive about your oral health! Gresham Family Dentistry is here to offer the dental care you need. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including sedation dentistrychildren’s dentistryoral surgerydental cleanings, and more! 

Our hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. 

Categories: Dental Checkup, Dental Health, Dental Hygiene Tips, Dental Tips For Parents, dental travel tips, fairview dentist, fairview oregon dentist, Family Dentistry, Gresham Dentist

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