Best Ways To Keep A Clean Mouth 

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Gresham_Family_Dentistry_The Best Time to Brush Your Teeth

Where Do You Go For Professional And Reliable Dental Services?  

If you live in Gresham or otherwise nearby, make Gresham Family Dentistry your top choice for your all family dentistry needs. Our team is proud to offer reliable and professional dental services to families in Gresham, Fairview, Wood Village, and Boring. Don’t wait – call on Gresham Family Dentistry today to learn more about professional family dentistry services near you. 

What’s The Best Way To Keep A Clean Mouth? 

Good oral health means taking care of your whole mouth, not just your teeth. What are the best ways you and your family can keep up good dental and oral hygiene? 

Brush And Floss Your Teeth Every Day 

You should be brushing your teeth twice a day every day – for two minutes at a time each time. You should also floss at least once every day. 

Use A Tongue Scraper 

A great way to step up your oral hygiene is by using a tongue scraper. It’ll help you get rid of more of the bad bacteria in your mouth, and it may even help you keep your breath fresher. 

Limit Sugar Intake 

Sugar is one of the major contributors to tooth decay. It makes bacteria grow faster and increases the acidity in your mouth. Limit sugar in your diet however you can. 

Remember To Drink Water 

Drinking lots of water is key to keeping your body healthy – including your mouth! Water washes away leftover food and bacteria and helps you prevent dry mouth. 

Visit Your Dentist In Gresham 

You – and every member of your family – should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year. Are you ready for your next dental check-up? Call Gresham Family Dentistry to book an appointment! 

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry 

Be proactive about your oral health! Gresham Family Dentistry is here to offer the dental care you need. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including sedation dentistry, children’s dentistry, oral surgery, dental cleanings, and more! 

Our hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM. 

Categories: dental travel tips, dentist in fairview, Dentist in Woodvillage OR, Dentistry Services In Gresham, fairview oregon dentist, Family Dentistry, Family Dentistry Near Wood Village , Flossing Tips, Gresham Dentist, Troutdale Dentistry Services, What toothpaste is best, When Was Your Last Dental Check-Up, why is flossing important, Wood Village Dentist

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