7 Signs You Need To Visit Your Dentist Urgently 

Posted by Gresham Family Dentistry on Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Professional Gresham Dentistry Services Available At Gresham Family Dentistry 

Find professional, reliable dental services in Gresham for the whole family! Make Gresham Family Dentistry your number one choice for all your dental care needs. No matter if you’re ready to book an appointment for yourself, your spouse, your parents, or your children – you can depend on the family dentistry services offered by Gresham Family Dentistry. 

When Should I Go To The Dentist? 

It’s common knowledge that you should see your dentist routinely once every 6 months. Other than that, though, when should you book an appointment to see a dentist in Gresham? Below are 7 signs you need to see your dentist in Gresham ASAP. 

Persistent Toothache 

Persistent toothache is a sign that something is wrong. Visit your dentist to determine the cause and treatment for your toothache. 

Persistent Jaw Pain/Headaches 

Jaw pain and headaches can be linked – so don’t ignore jaw pain that leads to headaches. Visit your dentist in Gresham. 

Bleeding Gums 

If flossing or brushing your teeth causes your gums to bleed, you could have gum disease. If the blood lasts longer than a couple of days, call your dentist. 

Broken Tooth 

If your tooth has recently cracked or chipped, see your Gresham dentist ASAP. 

Loose Tooth 

If one of your teeth is extremely loose or – worse yet – if your tooth has been knocked out, seek dental treatment as soon as you can. 

Loose Filling Or Crown 

Similarly, if your filling or crown is loose or falls off, seek dental care quickly. Fillings and crowns should be replaced as soon as possible since they’re meant to protect your teeth from infection and other dental issues. 

Swelling Or An Abscessed Tooth 

If a tooth is abscessed or you’re otherwise experiencing extreme swelling, you may have an infection and should visit your Gresham dentist soon. 

Get All The Best Family Dentistry Services And Advice Through Gresham Family Dentistry 

Be proactive about your oral health! Gresham Family Dentistry is here to offer the dental care you need. At Gresham Family Dentistry, our priority is your comfort. We provide quality dental services for the entire family including sedation dentistry, children’s dentistry, oral surgery, dental cleanings, and more! 

Categories: Dental Checkup, Dental Cleaning, Dental Health, Dental Hygiene Tips, Dentist in Boring OR, dentist in fairview, Dentist in troutdale OR, Dentist in Woodvillage OR, Dentistry Services In Gresham

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